Spending a lot of time looking back over this year lately, especially with so much changing, so I'll keep this brief. 2023 has been the most exciting, terrifying, busy, fulfilling, sensational year of my life. I felt at times aimless last year- between the time commitment of school and several jobs, it makes it very difficult to see the end of the journey, only the more complex parts that stand in our way at any given moment. I had a nice long discussion last week looking back on our time in the pandemic, and the incredible difficulties it gave to all of us young folk hoping to make a living. It was a hurtful addition to the economy, which already provided an indefinitely more difficult time for today's youth to pay their bills and survive than any generation to come before us since the last world war. I think we all take for granted how powerful it was that everyone pushed through that regardless, and made it out to a time that sees public interaction again, and for my musician friends, the once-impossible thought of performing live and around other humans.
In 2020, I had no holiday performance opportunities, and felt defeated in that inability to work. This year, over the last two weeks, I have played 17 services at 4 different locations in two different states, and was offered gigs in two others that I got to recommend my colleagues for (I'll be sharing more about these and thanking the necessary peeps when I have time to recollect). I want to take an opportunity to share my blessings as a reminder for all of us, and something I wish I could tell my past self. You are not defeated if you don't give up. You are not a failure if you keep pushing. We live in such a progress-based society that it becomes difficult to realize our worth, especially when we base it on our environment instead of our potential. You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for, especially when you forget those things. Please go into this new year realizing what you are capable for, because you have been placed where you are for a reason.